Accelerate Sustainable and Accountable Value Creation
Helping you design your organization and
lead your talent for success with OrgAlign® software!
Helping you design your organization and
lead your talent for success with OrgAlign® software!
Your business is our business. We promise to meet your organization and its managers where you want to start. Our consultants are skilled at listening, really listening, but also interpreting what they hear through multiple lenses. We often refer to our framework as providing the "physics and engineering" for designing and implementing world-class, strategically aligned managerial leadership systems. And our world class OrgAlign® software technology provides the blueprint for making it a sustainable reality.
Our deep belief is that an organization's "health" is a direct contributor to the well-being of its owners, employees, families, customers, suppliers, and communities at large. When organizations provide their employees with opportunities to do purposeful, meaningful work that engages their full potential, the entire organization is able to achieve its full potential.
At KRAINES CONSULTING™, our entire approach is geared toward ensuring that your organization is sustainably optimized. We want your managers and employees to learn how to be proactive and adaptive as new demands and prospects inevitably present themselves.
Therefore, we go well beyond helping you to function at peak performance today. We work to transfer our knowledge and tools to your organization so that it (and your people) will always be able to function optimally and know how to prepare—in advance—for new threats or opportunities.
Our OrgAlign® organization, talent, and work technologies ensure both the effective and efficient design and deployment of your optimized leadership system and, when integrated with your existing HR IS system, ensure the sustained implementation and adaptation of the organization as its needs and challenges emerge.
Our goal is to serve as The Wall Street Journal described us...the “thinking manager’s resource.”
Optimized organizations create the conditions where people can work at their full potential and deliver maximum value in their roles. Their employees feel valued because they are freed up from having to waste time and energy “working the system.”
Optimized organizations have capable and efficient processes attached to logical structures, so it is always clear who is accountable for what and those who are accountable have the required resources and authorities.
Optimized organizations have managers who add value and lead effectively to
ensure their people will be successful and thus create trusting environments in which their people welcome being held accountable.
OrgAlign® organization, talent, and work systems ensure the sustained stewardship and adaptation of every aspect of your leadership system.
OrgAlign®, the technology solution which seamlessly supports the design and implementation of strategically-aligned organizations and talent in order to deliver on their full enterprise value!
Readily accessible by managers and employees on their PC, tablet, and mobile phone, this revolutionary software opens to a dashboard with all critical information required to manage their own and their peoples' work, to develop oneself and employees, and to continually analyze opportunities to optimize his or her organization. Powerful GANTT chart views support the real-time tracking of progress of all initiatives which support the implementation of every aspect of a Strategic Organization™ transformation.
It provides a wide range of modules separately or as a fully integrated approach to Strategic Organization Transformation Initiatives:
Organization Charts:
- Classic Org Charts that can be configured in a variety of ways:
- Displaying 1, 2, or even three layers of management
- Selecting and juxtaposing different organizational units
- Wide selection of organizational "nodes" including information about the roles and talent
- Role Complexity Org Charts that illustrate which roles are at different levels
- Identifying areas of bureaucratic "compression" and disconnecting "gaps"
Talent Assessment Calibrating Tools:
- Potential: Current and Future (5, 10, 15 years and career-end)
- Effectiveness in Current Role
- Degrees of Role Mastery, Extraordinary Initiative, and Disruptive Behaviors
Task Management Tools
- Initiative and Task Delegation and Monitoring
- "Line of sight" threads of initiatives as they cascade as tasks down the organization
- Powerful GANTT chart views to track the progress of overall initiatives
Leverage Potential™ and Kraines Consulting™ offer access to groundbreaking knowledge and resources to assist organizations in realizing their full potential.
We work directly with companies and consultants to efficiently and sustainably apply the principles and practices of Strategic Organization™.
With our OrgAlign® technologies, we have automated the critical processes for assessing and optimally redesigning your structures and processes, for assessing, developing, and deploying your talents, and for delegating and monitoring your initiatives and tasks.
We have the talent, software, and over forty years of experience to help you get it right!
Seamless integration with client's HR IS system enables highly flexible visualization of org charts, connected to role specification, employee data, and task management information
Unique visualization of the levels of complexity of each role and whether they exhibit bureaucratic "compression" or hierarchy "disconnects"
Intuitive tools for guiding managers in assessing the current potential of their employees and then modeling their future 5-, 10-, 20-year and even career potential
Visualization tool for calibrating-- across managerial teams--the degree of Role Mastery their employees have, ranging from "not meeting the role's minimal requirements" to exhibiting "the complete package!"
Visualization tool for calibrating-- across managerial teams--the degree to which their employees exhibit value-add that is "Above and Beyond" their roles' Basic Role Mastery requirements with respect to intensity, integration, and innovation
Visualization tool for calibrating-- across managerial teams--the degree to which their employees exhibit Disruptive Behaviors ranging from "none" to "occasional" to "consistent" to "persistent and serious"
After almost 50 years of consultation and research, Kraines Consulting™ understands a great deal about how nature intends for people to organize, behave, and interact around different kinds of working environments. There is a genuine science, Strategic Organization™, emerging about the proper "anatomy and physiology" of highly capable, effective, and accountable companies and government agencies.
And, if these principles and practices are applied properly, any organization can be brought up to its maximum potential health and peak productive effectiveness. Instead of focusing on treating the symptoms, we help our clients apply these principles to diagnose and correct underlying causes. In medicine, accurate diagnosis is 90% of the cure. The same applies to helping an organization to reach its peak sustainable, performance.
Our OrgAlign® technologies provide a clear methodology for analyzing and designing strategically aligned structures and processes, for accurately assessing and developing the organization's pool of talent (their current and future potential and effectiveness), and for ensuring effective, accountable workflows led by value-adding, accountable managerial and teamworking leadership.
OrgAlign® technology brings together over thirty years of experience developing world-class software that provides the blueprint for implementing sustainable, accountable leadership systems!
It seamlessly guides organizations through the process of creating highly adaptable, strategically aligned structures and processes, systems for the comprehensive assessment, development, and deployment of its talent, and the tools necessary to support value-adding, accountable leadership. Our technology drives results!
We understand how frustrating and debilitating it can be to watch your employees spend more time "working the system" than it should take to get their "real work done!"
While there are no "simplistic" magical solutions to these problems, there are clear, scientifically validated, "simple" principles that you and your people can learn. We can help you apply these principles and practices systematically to "get it right" in the first place!
Our single objective is to enable you to sustainably leverage the full potential of your organization and your people!
Dr. Gerry Kraines’ career has focused on enhancing leadership and organizational effectiveness: as a psychiatrist, an executive for healthcare organizations, as a Harvard lecturer on leadership, as an executive coach, and since the 1980s, as a global consultant to senior executives about leadership systems. Gerry brings a systems perspective to all his research, education, and consultation.
Gerry consults worldwide to executives and to companies of all sizes. He has helped to integrate and implement many successful corporate reorganizations resulting from rapid growth, acquisitions, mergers, and consolidations.
His approach includes multiple perspectives: the human perspective (easing cultural shifts and the personal costs of change), the organizational perspective (designing structures and processes which are accurately, efficiently, and accountably aligned with strategic intentions), and the human-resource-system perspective (ensuring the systematic identification, development, and deployment of today’s and tomorrow’s talent pool).
Embedded in each of these approaches is a consistent set of leadership principles and practices, which reinforce common sense and establish a strong basis for trust, fairness, and mutual respect.
Cynsie Kraines is a senior vice president and director of training programs at Kraines Consulting™. She came from the healthcare industry, where she held key managerial positions, for more than 20 years, in both the private and public sectors.
She worked in high-level roles in marketing, epidemiological research, and international training. Her most recent positions were directing clinical research and, later, international training for a biotech company whose vaccine eradicated the most prevalent form of childhood meningitis from the Western world. In this capacity, she has written and authored numerous professional articles and chapters in the medical literature.
Ms. Kraines' primary focus at Kraines Consulting™ has been to establish the culture, practices, and resources to help organizations ensure robust, accountable managerial and teamworking leadership. She works with all levels of management to ensure a full understanding of how properly structured and managed work teams can ensure the efficient and creative implementation of strategic goals.
Ms. Kraines also directs the Kraines Consulting™' programs of diverse in-service training activities. These programs range from managerial training, coaching, team building, change management, communication, and problem-solving skill development, to more complex implementation of adaptive, cross-functional workflow processes. She also heads the firm's train-the-trainers program; in this capacity, she has trained numerous educators around the world.
Dr. James Allen spent nearly three decades in internal medicine, public and occupational health, and community development, much of it for a Fortune 50 company working internationally. He led multi-cultural teams in providing everything from innovative primary care to global crisis management, including for the Covid-19 pandemic. He was part of the company’s business leadership team responsible for expanding into new countries, and reorganizations throughout changing business cycles.
Jim served as adjunct faculty for physician and healthcare leadership training at the Levinson Institute in a joint venture with Harvard Medical. As founder of Health Systems Thinkers, LLC, Dr. Allen created an inclusive systems consulting service to connect comprehensive data with dynamic community engagement for co-creative community development.
Our team can help you optimize your operations and streamline your processes to improve efficiency and reduce costs. We provide tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of your business.
Our team of experts will help you develop a clear and concise strategic plan that aligns with your business goals and objectives.
We offer comprehensive financial management services to help you optimize your financial performance and maximize your profits.
With three decades of management experience, I have had the pleasure of implementing Requisite Organization both in organizations I have been leading as well as for several clients.
International business has been my professional life during the past several decades. Most of my leadership experience comes from executive positions in the Medical Technology and Life Sciences industries for large corporations. Prior to my consulting career I held positions as President Global Markets for Haemonetics Corporation (NYSE:HAE) and several General Management positions in GE Healthcare (NYSE:GE). During the past decade I have worked as consultant mainly with high-tech clients and Hospital organizations in Sweden, Germany and the UK.
I bring executive leadership experience from General Management positions, ranging from strategic development to building high performance leadership teams, as well as running an international business.
We offer customized organizational change management solutions that will help you navigate complex changes and achieve your business goals.
Larry Ramsdell is the consummate technology guru. He spent 15 years with Oracle and 10 years with EMC delivering authoritative solutions to complex problems to major organizations.
Sam Covington is a world-class, truly innovative systems designer who has created state-of-the-art technology solutions for international businesses and government agencies. Among his clients are
"Best book on organizational structure I've read or heard about!!! Clear, concise, and specific. Gives actionable guidance. If you have experience in a company that has fallen into the patterns described and warned about in this book, you will immediately recognize this info is rooted in real world experience."
"Dr. Gerry Kraines has captured in this book the concepts and examples that make his courses so useful for those faced with the challenge of leadership in today's corporations. Derived from the research and teachings of Elliott Jaques, Kraines' models of accountability in a hierarchical management system are a compelling framework for understanding how to engage and align employees in order to drive superior performance and results.
Filled with anecdotes and stories, the book provides the reader with key insights into successful development of individuals within a talent pool, and accountability within cross-functional performance improvement initiatives. Anyone who has a leadership responsibility within a corporation should read this."
" In Management Productivity Multipliers, Gerry Kraines takes the scientific precision of his days as a physician and applies it to the dynamic world of organizational design, engineering a deep model for corporate strategy and structure. Similarly, his insights about human potential are ground-breaking. Of the many words of wisdom in this book, the two quotes I'll never forget: "Accountability without authority is fantasy and stress," and "Keep your word, no surprises, earn your keep."
"I had 'a-ha moments' from the very first chapter. It's obvious what's been missing now. Dr. Gerry Kraines knows his stuff and shares an actionable roadmap to help organizations become more productive by giving people what they need to be successful, beginning with accountability. Great book and a must-read!
Elliott Jaques trained as a physician, PhD social scientist, and functioned as a management system researcher for over 60 years. He was originally known for the creation of ground-breaking concepts such as corporate culture and midlife crisis, but devoted the bulk of his career studying, testing, and validating the nature of work in work organizations, talent capabilities, and accountable managerial leadership systems.
He discovered the existence of naturally-occurring and optimal structures in organizations, the measurement of complexity of work, the nature of maturation of human potential, and the most critical aspects of value-adding, accountable managerial and teamworking leadership.
His concepts and practices provide a blueprint for creating the most effective, scientifically-validated accountability management system in existence today.
Strategic Organization™ is a science-based approach to aligning every aspect of managerial work systems with strategy:
- Structures and processes that clearly and effectively support its goals,
- Processes re-engineered to become effective, efficient, and accountable,
- Processes that are clear as to who is accountable for what,
- Roles which have clear accountabilities and required authority and resources,
- People who are continually developed to to be successful in their roles,
- Managers who provide leadership value, set employees up for success, and hold them accountable for “keeping their word” and “earning their keep,”
- HR systems and OrgAlign® software that reinforce these accountability principles and practices.
Successful strategic leaders create maximum purposeful and sustainable value for the organization, its owners, customers, employees, and communities.
Set Direction for their teams & units
Leverage Potential of their people by
- Engaging their commitment and inherent enthusiasm,
- Aligning their judgment and
actions by communicating direction, context, and purpose, and
- Developing their capabilities by encouraging, coaching, and otherwise helping employees to fully master their roles.
All within an Accountability Framework where all employees "keep their word, no surprises" and "earn their keep."
Unique talent assessment, development, and deployment systems, which enable
- the accurate evaluation of every employee's current and future potential and their overall effectiveness in current role,
- clear identification of capability gaps leading to highly effective coaching and proactive career planning and mentoring,
- translation of strategic future role requirements into a blueprint for world-class succession and recruitment planning
Clarify Strategy / Analyze Organization
Identify Root Causes / Design Strategically Aligned Organization
Assess Talent Potential / Effectiveness
Deploy Talent into New Organization
Cascade Leadership Training
Implement Accountability System
Define Lateral Accountabilities
Establish System Stewardship
OrgAlign® HR and Talent Pool System
Continual Monitoring and Improvement
“Having gone through Strategic Organization™ training many times and having ‘practiced by implementation in real life’ . . . over the last 30 years, I believe this is the most important (and typically missing) body of knowledge that any CEO who wants to compete at a world-class level needs to have!”
Our team of experts will analyze your business to identify areas of improvement and develop a tailored plan to unlock your full potential. We will help you optimize your operations, streamline your processes, and increase profitability.
We apply scientifically validated lenses to first understand how your business is currently organized to do its work and then support management in applying these principles to design and implement the optimal, strategically aligned organization.
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